Arizona State University Center to Screen Trans*cend
Enforcing the Status Quo
During the Trans*Cend workshop, two short stories from the American literary "canon" were assigned to the participants: Kurt Vonnegut,...
Are You Cisgender? Do You See What Eye See?
Since my college days I have been fascinated by the writings of Maxwell Maltz. His ideas on self-image and self-concept, and his theories...
The Duplicity of Tradition
The duplicity of tradition Society’s never ending heirloom As comforting as a mother’s womb A primal instinct of safety by number ...
"Out of the Box"
Most of us who are in this room were born "out of the box." People born out of the box, of necessity, think outside the box. Statistics...
Binary vs Non-Binary
Normal in what we are of make ourselves to be is a concept that affects all transgendered persons We struggle for years in wrong bodies...
The Value of Diversity
What is the value of diversity in the human family? You just asked an anthropologist their favorite question. Trick question. It’s not a...
Humans are made for stories.
Humans are made for stories, telling and listening to them. Stories exercise our imaginations. We experience the fullness of the present...
The Sacred Practice of Storytelling
Gathering together in a circle to look at each other and to listen to each other is a sacred practice that has inspired and connected...